The killing of an alpha elephant bull at Omatjete last week has been highly criticised by Namibian conservation and tourism groups.

Humanity’s ongoing destruction of wildlife will lead to a shrinking of nature, with the average body size of animals falling by a quarter, a study predicts.

Botswana has lifted its ban on elephant hunting, saying the population has increased and farmers’ livelihoods are being affected, in a move set to trigger outrage from conservationists.

A hunter who has killed more than 5,000 elephants and 50 hippos has said he is “10,000 times” unrepentant.

As the Botswana government rumbles towards the lifting of the ban on hunting its famous wildlife, an authoritative poll in the United States, from which the second greatest number of foreign touris

Botswana's move towards lifting a four year-old hunting ban sparked a global outcry, with particularly the West, expressing serious misgivings.

A new study maps the last vestiges of wild places where the world's threatened species can take refuge from the ravages of unregulated hunting, land clearing, and other industrial activities.

Botswanan President Mokgweetsi Masisi on Wednesday blasted Western countries for their outburst over Botswana's plan to lift a hunting ban and allow an elephant cull.

Botswanan President Mokgweetsi Masisi on Wednesday blasted Western countries for their outburst over Botswana's plan to lift a hunting ban and allow an elephant cull.

Conservationists in Kenya are warning of an imminent poaching crisis should proposals to open the doors to game hunting sail through.
