Animal advocacy groups filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to shut down U.S.

Several decades of seemingly unrelated policies, ranging from increases in elk hunting to the reintroduction of wolves, have combined to cut a population of mountain lions in the western United Sta

The mode and tempo of extinctions and extirpations after the first contact phase of human settlements is a widely debated topic. As the last major landmass to be settled by humans, New Zealand offers a unique lens through which to study interactions of people and biota. By analyzing ancient DNA from more than 5,000 nondiagnostic and fragmented bones from 38 subfossil assemblages, we describe species and patterns that have been missed by morphological approaches.

In a sign that Botswana is likely to climb down on its earlier official position not to convince parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to legalise commercia

Lusaka — The Zambian government yesterday denied reports that it has authorised the culling of 2 000 hippopotamuses in a national park with a high population of the mammals.

The Zambian government on Tuesday denied reports that it has authorized the culling of 2,000 hippopotamuses in a national park with a high population of the mammals.

LUSAKA, Zambvia - In what has been described as a shocking and secretive move, Zambian authorities have overturned their 2016 decision to suspend the brutal culling of up to 2,000 hippos in the wor

Washington – A new US advisory board created to help rewrite federal rules for importing the heads and hides of African elephants, lions and rhinos is stacked with trophy hunters, including some me

South Sudan on Tuesday banned all forms of wildlife hunting, including commercial trade in wildlife trophies, the country’s conservation agency said Tuesday.

Female orangutans are occasionally killed for their young, which are sold on as pets, while others are killed for food or for venturing onto plantations or into gardens.
