Windhoek- The SADC Directorate of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources has revealed that the number of food insecure population in the region for 2018/2019 will be higher, compared to the 2017

In a sign that Botswana is likely to climb down on its earlier official position not to convince parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to legalise commercia

Maputo – A species of bat, previously unknown to science, has been discovered in Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, in the central province of Sofala.

JOHANNESBURG - AGRI-SA, the South African agricultural industry association, has raised concern at government’s plans to expropriate white owned land without compensation.

Johannesburg – Conditioned that ploughing is the sure way to produce crops, Zimbabwean farmer Handrixious Zvomarima surprised himself by trying a different method.

Botswana has warned its citizens against travelling to Zambia while Namibia has banned food import from that country after an outbreak of cholera, in a move that observers say is likely to affect t

A new study has found that surgery patients are twice as likely to die in Africa compared to the global average. A lack of resources was to blame for the high mortality rate.

Windhoek – The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region is by far energy insecure with more than 50 percent of the population without access to clean and affordable energy while electric

Lusaka – Concerned with the continued rampant poaching of elephants and rhinos, among other endangered species, Germany has set aside 20 million euros to assist curb the practice in the 15 Southern

Addis Ababa – Economic Commission for Africa’s executive secretary Vera Songwe on Monday met with the principals of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP) and the I
