This study evaluates the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) contributions of different HDV vehicle technologies and fuel pathways in India.

The availability of open, high-quality, consistent, and comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data is essential to understanding the global trend in GHG emissions, and for countries to see their emission profiles, compare their impacts with those of other countries, identify mitigation opportunities, and reduce emissions.

This paper proposes an objective way of estimating and allocating “differentiated” responsibilities for carbon emissions across countries. These responsibilities translate into specific obligations and incentives for future emission reductions and support for adaptation, mitigation, and development.

This discussion paper builds on CPI’s earlier work, with a focus on the technologies, challenges, and current state of financing for the decarbonization of India’s iron and steel sectors, since this is the country’s largest GHG-emitting high-growth industrial sector and one of the most challenging to decarbonize.

Nepal has made significant efforts towards low-emission development, using government tools to encourage finance flows towards climate action. However, achieving its ambitions will be difficult given current financing and capacity levels.

Curbing carbon emissions to meet the targets set in the Paris Agreement requires the deployment of low carbon technologies (LCTs) at a global scale. This paper assesses the role of climate and trade policies in fostering LCT diffusion through trade.

Weather and climate hazards have compounded concerns over food security, population displacements, and impacts on vulnerable populations in 2023, according to the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) State of the Global Climate 2023.

In the face of the global imperative to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5 °C (above pre-industrial level), as outlined in the Paris Agreement, nations have been striving to transition towards a net-zero economy.

The Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction (Buildings-GSR), a report published by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), provides an annual snapshot of the progress of the buildings and construction sector on a global scale.

Waste and circular economy actions contribute to reducing the need for new primary materials and the associated greenhouse gas emissions linked to the extraction and processing of resources.
