Nepal has made significant efforts towards low-emission development, using government tools to encourage finance flows towards climate action. However, achieving its ambitions will be difficult given current financing and capacity levels.

IFC launched Powered by Women (PbW) Nepal initiative in September 2020 to help hydropower firms realize the benefits of gender equality and diversity.

Develop a quantitative spatial general equilibrium model with heterogeneous house-holds and multiple locations to study households’ vulnerability to food insecurity from cli-mate shocks.

Nepal, as a signatory of the Paris Agreement, filed its second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2020. The NDC set a target for the adaptation of electric vehicles in the country’s public transport sector.

Universal access to affordable clean energy continues to be a challenge across the globe. Women’s and marginalised groups’ access to clean energy services and green technologies remains constrained by intersectional social factors and gender-blind policies.

Climate change-related events undermine children’s educational attainment, exposing them to child labour, hazardous work and forced migration.

This paper provides a subregional overview on the status of crop residue management in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

This document summarizes findings from a workshop and a series of consultations organized by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Nepal’s Ministry of Finance (MoF).

Multilateral development banks (MDBs) are expected to play a critical role in closing the gap between the volume of finance needed by developing countries to prepare for climate change and the amount of funding they currently have available.

From the perspective of economic and financial analysis, a climate change resilience assessment can be defined as an elaboration of how an investment project performs under alternative futures that are subject to high uncertainty about climate change impacts, and an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of mitigation and adaptation options to imp
