Weather and climate hazards have compounded concerns over food security, population displacements, and impacts on vulnerable populations in 2023, according to the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) State of the Global Climate 2023.

Reply by MoEF&CC in Original Application No 249 of 2023 to news item on India's sinking islands which appeared in the Hindu (March 19, 2023).

In supersession of the CRZ Notification, 2011, the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 2019 was notified on January 18, 2019 having specific focus on conservation and management plans of ecologically sensitive areas (ESAs) which did not feature in the CRZ Notification 2011.

The State of the Cryosphere 2023 – Two Degrees is Too High report shows that all of the Earth’s frozen parts will experience irreversible damage at 2°C of global warming, with disastrous consequences for millions of people, societies, and nature.

This legal study is based on Legal Dimensions of Sea Level Rise: Pacific Perspectives which was published on June 29, 2021. The original version provided an assessment of key legal frameworks and policy questions that are relevant in the context of sea level rise in the Pacific region.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of In re : News item published in Newspaper The Hindu dated 19.03.2023 titled “India’s Sinking Island” dated 13/10/2023.

Report of the joint committee to study the impact of sea level rise on the islands and frame policy and measures to protect these islands dated October 10, 2023.

The report was in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order, July 11, 2023.

The report recommended undertaking field-based topographic surveys essential to map the accurate inundation of the island under different climate change scenarios. And adopting new policies and advanced technologies to avoid any expected infrastructure damage due to natural hazards and particularly to coastal erosion.

Analyzing the role companies can play in tackling climate change, this book shows how corporate values, responsibilities, and governance can affect their behaviors and investment decisions within effective environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks.

This report speaks to three key areas: accessibility and policy as the root cause of the issue, the need for proactive planning to start now, and that protecting house, land, and property rights must be at the core of climate policy responses.

India's financial capital Mumbai is among several cities across the globe that would be most affected due to rising sea levels, according to this report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Sea surface temperatures and ocean heat in parts of the South-West Pacific are increasing at more than three times the global average and harming vital ecosystems, whilst sea level rise poses an existential threat to low-lying islands and their people, according to this new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
