Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of a news item appearing in Amar Ujala, dated 02.03.2024.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rajendra Tyagi Vs Union of India & Others dated 02/04/2024.

The applicant has raised a grievance that unauthorized and illegal construction of houses, shops and other commercial establishments on a large scale are in progress in Greater Noida and Noida in violation of environmental norms. Since many of these illegal construction is being done with top soil, the act is causing large scale illegal mining of top soil in and around the villages, resulting in deep, catastrophic pits which is giving rise to a vicious cycle.

Nearly $7 trillion of public and private finance each year supports activities that directly harm nature – some 30 times the amount spent on nature-based solutions annually, according to this report published by the UNEP.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Arun Tiwari Vs State of Uttar Pradesh dated 04/10/2023.

Productive natural ecosystems are being lost and degraded by poorly planned and managed commercial and small-scale livelihood activities in Zimbabwe, and threats will be further exacerbated by climate change.

Report of the Joint Committee in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order of September 5, 2022 in the matter of Original Application No 41/2022 (WZ), Abhay Pandurang Desai Vs State of Maharashtra & Others.

This report speaks to three key areas: accessibility and policy as the root cause of the issue, the need for proactive planning to start now, and that protecting house, land, and property rights must be at the core of climate policy responses.

Estimating emissions and removals from forest degradation is important, though challenging, for many countries. Where forest degradation is a major source of emissions, governments want to cover it when reporting on their mitigation efforts. However, estimating emissions from forest degradation is hard.

Joint Committee Report in OA No. 706 of 2022 (Asgar Ahmad Najar Versus Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change & Ors.).

Niger is a fragile country, marked by a poorly diversified economy and extreme poverty. Climate change, rapid demographic growth, and weak governance are major threats to Niger's growth. These changes have led to human losses, decreased soil productivity, and increased competition for access to resources.
