The present study evaluated bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) based resource conservation in the Yamuna ravines at Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Research Centre, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Ravine lands are highly degraded dry lands and 3.97 m ha area is affected by ravines in India. One ravine micro watershed of 2.8 ha area was planted with two rows of bamboo in staggered manner as vegetative barrier for the analysis of hydrological and economic aspect of bamboo plantation.

A study examined the dynamics of soil physical and chemical properties under different land use systems in parts of Chambal region of Rajasthan. Soils were sampled at surface (0-15cm) layer under (i) irrigated sorghum/soybean-wheat rotation for over 20 years, (ii) ten-years-old Leucaena leucocephala plantation, (iii) grasslands for >15 years with dominant spp of Hetropogan contortus and Dichanthium annulatum, (iv) over 20-years-old undisturbed forest of Prosospis juliflora and shrubs and (v) twelveyears-old Acacia senegal plantation.

Livelihood pattern of the people of an area is directly influenced by the local biodiversity. Biodiversity is essential for human survival and economic well-being, and for the ecosystem function and stability. Over exploitation and biodiversity loss affects livelihood and food security of the local. People change their livelihood strategies as an adaptive response to changes in their environment. Some livelihoods flourish while others diminish, and this ebb and flow is the result of a changing livelihood context.

The only hope of feeding India's future population of 1500 million lies in the sea food and horticulture. National Commission for Farms and Farmers under chairmanship of Prof. M. S. Swaminathan says that Indian farming has become profitless. The best way to make it profitable is through adding processing industry to agriculture, including horticulture, within natural units of watersheds.

Out of the total geographical area of India about 53% suffers from different kinds of land degradation, and Uttar Pradesh accounts for 9.06%. About 4.0 m ha (11.03%) area of the country is suffering from ravine problem. U.P. shares 1.230 m ha (31%) ravine land of the country spread over in 25 districts of the state.

GOVINDSAMY AGORAMOORTHY In January this year I visited the Rajasthan part of the Chambal valley to study a water resources management project implemented by the

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Wastelands occupy 20% or more of India. Since these wastelands are neither in agricultural or urban use, they would fall in the undeveloped category. In other

Once a throbbing rural business centre, Birahrua, in Morena district of Madhya Pradesh, is now haunted by devilish gullies