A investigation was undertaken in the ASPEE College of Horticulture and Forestry, Navsari in Gujarat to find out the rate of decomposition of leaf litter of seven multi-purpose tree species.

The compost products are useful in increasing soil fertility and decrease dumped municipal solid waste. Composting is accepted because it is economically and environmentally a safe method. Fungi are used for proper recycling of wastes. During the process of composting many physical parameters like pH, moisture content, Ash, weight loss increased.

A field experiment was conducted during rabi seasons of 2003-04, 2004-05 and 2005-06 at Livestock farm, JNKVV, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh to study the effect of bio organics and chemical fertilizers on growth yield and economics of fodder oat. Result of study reveals that an application of nitrogen significantly increased the growth and yields of fodder oat.

Ethno medicinal survey was conducted in Satpura region with special reference to Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. This district is a forest district,Chhindwara district, has acquired great importance because of its scenic beauty. Patalkot is a lovely landscape located at a depth of 1200-1500 feet in a valley, inhabited by Gonds, Bharia tribes who are entirely dependent on forest for medication. Information on 15 plant species belong to 15 genera and 14 families which are traditionally used as medicine to cure malaria was collected.

Paper presents the causes of forest degradation and its direct and indirect effects. Preliminary discussion on the issue of tracing the basic research areas, approaches of joint forest management for its role in natural resource conservation. Although felling tree illegally still going on and this is the major cause of decrease in forest cover, increasing number of industrial establishments and fuel wood collection are other causes.

The present study has been carried out in Bundelkhand region of Sagar district. Wild edible plants constitute an important source of dietary habit of tribes of this region.

There are various stakeholders who are poising major threat to the sustainability of the forest resources. The categories of these stakeholders are the state and its agents, capitalist and private contractors and local communities. The present study focuses on the third types of stakeholders and their contest over the forest resources. The communities who are living in the vicinity of the forest are not homogenous, they are hetrogeneous, and their heterogeneity is reflected through caste background, power, ownership of land and ideology.

An investigation was carried to understand the density and diversity pattern of the plantation area of Chaur as Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand. A total of 13 trees, 6 shrubs and 14 herb species were encountered in all plantation areas.

Tropical forests are recognized as rich, diverse and highly productive ecosystems of the world. The present study was carried out to assess carbon and nutrient storage of a dry tropical forest ecosystem in Barnawpara Sanctuary, Raipur district of Chhattisgarh through satellite remote sensing techniques and GIS.

Livelihood pattern of the people of an area is directly influenced by the local biodiversity. Biodiversity is essential for human survival and economic well-being, and for the ecosystem function and stability. Over exploitation and biodiversity loss affects livelihood and food security of the local. People change their livelihood strategies as an adaptive response to changes in their environment. Some livelihoods flourish while others diminish, and this ebb and flow is the result of a changing livelihood context.
