Developing economies in Asia and the Pacific are forecast to expand by 4.9% on average this year as the region continues its resilient growth amid robust domestic demand, improving semiconductor exports, and recovering tourism.

Typical agriculture sectors like animal production and processing, aquaculture and its processing, and fruit and vegetable processing, can be water-intensive and generate complex and sometimes severe pollution.

This publication highlights the importance of adequately investing in healthcare infrastructure and preparedness and of applying flexibility, innovation, and collaboration in preparing for future health emergencies.

This report explains why strengthening the governance around public investment management is central to cutting inefficiencies and unblocking the climate finance needed to narrow Asia and the Pacific’s gaping infrastructure gap.

Highlighting how plastic impacts climate change, this brief considers the anticipated Global Plastics Treaty (GPT) and shows how ADB can help Asia and the Pacific implement circular economy solutions to help meet low-carbon goals.

Agriculture generates pollution that is diverse and complex. This publication explores how small-scale operations with limited resources can control pollution and manage health and safety issues.

Unless developing Asia decarbonizes its development, global warming is unlikely to stay below the internationally agreed limit of 2°C above preindustrial levels. Integrated assessment modeling offers insights into how a low carbon transition can be achieved.

This paper uses a global integrated assessment model to assess how developing Asia, the world’s fastest-growing source of carbon emissions, could transition to low-carbon growth. It finds that national net-zero pledges do not have a high chance of keeping peak warming below 2°C.

This report shows why encouraging young people to discover and drive solutions for Asia and the Pacific’s water sector can help unlock innovative fresh approaches, promote ownership, and ensure water security is inclusive and resilient. One quarter of the region's population is under twenty-five years old.

Asia is home to 60% of the world's population, 52% of global agricultural production, and 43% of agriculture-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While a large portion of the Asian population depends on agriculture for their livelihood and food security, the agriculture sector is one of the main sources of GHG emissions in the region.
