For 2024 to be an exemplary year for the African continent, continental leaders in government and business alike must individually and collectively address and navigate a complex set of domestic, regional and international risks and challenges.

The year saw the last of the COVID pandemic-delayed milestones completed. Countries adopted major decisions to improve global chemicals management and protect marine life in international waters. But most of the year was about making all these rules work.

This document discusses the growing significance of critical minerals and metals in the worldwide shift towards renewable energy and how it offers a potential avenue for enhancing environmental governance in the area.

This report explains why strengthening the governance around public investment management is central to cutting inefficiencies and unblocking the climate finance needed to narrow Asia and the Pacific’s gaping infrastructure gap.

India has made a policy choice to prioritize the institutionalization of the SDGs, not to look at sustainable development as a standalone or parallel framework but to make them an integral part of the national thinking about development.

Climate change and other environmental threats require urgent government action.

There is growing understanding and high-level endorsement of the importance of strong collaborative multisectoral approaches to address a broad range of social, economic and governance issues for the prevention and control of noncommunicable disease (NCDs) and mental health conditions.

Food systems are major contributors, but also critically vulnerable, to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

Like many countries, Indonesia is grappling with the need to reduce deforestation and protect the environment, while promoting energy transition and economic development, in response to global demand for more commodities, climate change mitigation and greener economies.

The mitigation potential of states and regions is extremely big: The sum of all regions in the world almost add up to the global level, which makes regions fundamental for reaching net-zero globally.
