This comprehensive report has been prepared with the objective to map the available evidences on impact on climate change on HIV responses and identify key research priorities through an evidence gap - map approach.

For 2024 to be an exemplary year for the African continent, continental leaders in government and business alike must individually and collectively address and navigate a complex set of domestic, regional and international risks and challenges.

After a drop in its Human Development Index (HDI) value in 2021 and following a flat trend over the past few years, India’s HDI value has increased to 0.644 in 2022, placing the country 134 out of 193 countries and territories in the just released 2023/24 Human Development Report (HDR) titled, “Breaking the Gridlock: Reimagining Cooperation in a

This White Paper is part of a report series, Financial Aggregation for Renewable Energy in East Africa, published by UNDP on 26 January 2024, the first International Day of Clean Energy.

Sustainable energy could regenerate Africa’s Sahelian zone by using the region’s abundant clean energy potential to transform lives, diversify economies, give hope, and protect the planet.

Africa’s progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the aspirations, goals, and targets of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 has been uneven, with significant differences among sub regions, countries, and rural and urban areas.

This report presents the latest analysis of data available on SDG 16 indicators. The data reflects that human rights commitments are not being met, violence is increasing, inequality continues to hinder inclusive decision making and corruption erodes the social contract.

The case study aims to take a snapshot of the municipal waste management ecosystems of certain countries in the Global South, particularly focusing on private sector-led good practices, inclusive growth and sustainable financing. The countries were selected upon criteria such as GDP, total waste production and geographic variety.

The world is approaching the midpoint implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, but only 12% of the targets are on track. Digital public infrastructure (DPI) has emerged as a critical enabler of digital transformation and can turbocharge progress to deliver on the SDGs.

The ‘Low-carbon Technology packages in Mini Steel Plants: A Compendium’ demonstrates solutions for sponge iron units, electric induction furnace, electric arc furnace, and steel re-rolling mills, including composite mills.
