India has made a policy choice to prioritize the institutionalization of the SDGs, not to look at sustainable development as a standalone or parallel framework but to make them an integral part of the national thinking about development.

Sustainability, for long, has been at the core of Indian lifestyle and its indigenous knowledge and sustainable practices have played a crucial role in helping people be informed and make environmentally conscious consumption choices.

One of the world's biggest challenges today is climate change, and India realizes the importance of cooperation in addressing it. For its part, India has voluntarily committed to an ambitious reduction in emissions intensity, notwithstanding its immense energy needs to meet its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This study proposes an actionable framework to guide government stakeholders (state or national) that are either at the ideation stage or the early stages of implementing Urban Employment Programmes (UEPs) in India.

UNDP India and Sattva Consulting present Business alignment to SDGs in India, a landscape study to understand the core business sustainability strategies deployed by businesses across the FMCG, oil and Gas and agriculture and allied industries.

SDG Finance Facility platform at UNDP in partnership with Invest India, the investment promotion arm of the Government of India has developed the SDG Investor Map for India.

This document is for elected gram panchayat representatives and functionaries for use as a ready reference on the SDGs. It illustrates how the SDGs directly relate to the panchayats and how they can be the priority focus as panchayats plan their actions.

A rapidly growing economy that depends significantly on its natural resource base and predominantly climate-sensitive sectors, India’s inspirational efforts to chart out an ecologically sustainable growth model in the face of climate change could yield valuable lessons for other developing nations.

The study assessed the biodiversity impact of the project supported by UNDP and the Government of Madhya Pradesh to support local communities in rehabilitating degraded forest, generating sustainable livelihoods and protecting the areas rich ecosystem. The project was supported by the Global Environment Facility.

The study assessed the socio-economic impact of the project supported by UNDP and the Government of Madhya Pradesh to support local communities in rehabilitating degraded forest, generating sustainable livelihoods and protecting the areas rich ecosystem. The project was supported by the Global Environment Facility.
