The Dead Sea could end up living up to its name in less than 50 years. The saltiest water body in the world may cease to exist if its surface level continues to recede at the present rate of one

Suriname's northwest district of Coronie is threatened by encroaching Atlantic waves that have created a saltwater swamp. Swampwaters are starting to eat into the main road through Totness, the

Global sea levels could rise by eight inches till the end of this century

Rising sea levels are one of the major consequences of global warming. This could be most evident in the vast west Antarctica ice sheet. But a new study done by us researchers of the region's

Briefing paper on climate change for members of Parliament by Anil Agarwal - Calling upon policy makers to recognise India's stake in the international climate change negotiations.

15 Apr 2014

Small changes in urban human behavior and increased energy efficiency will have a positive impact on our natural resources.


Mukul Sanwal[1]


China is keen to halt growth in its greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, but lifting tens of millions out of poverty must remain its primary goal, the country's climate change ambassador said on Wednesday.
