Sea level changes can be of two types: (i) changes in the mean sea level and (ii) changes in the extreme sea level. The former is a global phenomenon while the
latter is a regional phenomenon. Estimates of mean sea level rise made from past tide gauge data at selected stations along the coast of India indicate a rise of
slightly less than 1 mm/year; however these estimates need to be corrected by including the rates of vertical land movements, whose measurements are not available

This special report does not seek to paint a comprehensive picture of the state of the oceans. It does not set out to recapitulate the many years of debate on ocean overfishing. WBGU concentrates instead on those key linkages between climate change and the oceans that are the topic of new scientific insights.These insights include new findings on warming, ocean currents, sea-level rise, carbon uptake and acidification, and on the impacts of these factors upon marine ecosystems.The report also discusses in detail the development of tropical cyclones, the issues surrounding carbon storage in the ocean or under the seabed, and the risks associated with methane hydrate deposits in the sea floor. Many of these issues are closely interlinked

Analysis of multi-date satellite sensor data and maps indicated loss of 1836 ha of land during 1976–2001 along the Godavari deltaic coast resulting in displacement of coastal communities and mangrove destruction. Decrease in sediment loads from an annual average of 145.26 million tons in 1971–79 to 56.76 million tons during 1990–98, apparently due to construction of dams, largely diminished vertical accretion at the delta, while continued coastal subsidence that might have been accentuated by possible neotectonic activity and consequent relative sea level rise led to shoreline retreat.

Oceans are rising much faster near the coasts

Photographs confirm Patagonian glaciers are melting into oblivion

The Sundarban delta region in the Bay of Bengal, with 10,000 square kilometres of estuarine mangrove forest and 102 islands, is the world s largest delta. The land here is an eerie muddle of landmass and sea, with mudflats and waves engaged in unrelenting

This report seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond with particular focus on the health sector.

Sea surface temperatures indirectly affect South Asian monsoons

If sea levels continue to rise at the present rate due to global warming, coastal areas such as Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa would be flooded or even submerged in the near future. Preliminary

The Pacific island nations of Tuvalu, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, the Marshall Islands and the Cook Islands have one thing in common: they may all be wiped out in 50 years. Because climate change has
