The governance of the ocean is not a novel concept; however, like climate change and energy, its transboundary nature and the involvement of several stakeholders complicate it. This inherent diversity of interests leads to regime complexities and challenges in developing comprehensive regulatory systems.

Insufficient progress towards climate goals is slowing down the global fight against poverty, hunger and deadly diseases, according to this report  by the UN World

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Assessment Report 6 (AR6), stated that the recent climate change is “widespread, rapid, intensifying and unprecedented in thousands of years.” It is further noted: “Climate change is already affecting every region on Earth in multiple ways.

Reviewed and supported by over 60 leading cryosphere scientists, the Report details how a combination of melting polar ice sheets, vanishing glaciers, and thawing permafrost will have rapid, irreversible, and disastrous effects on the Earth’s population.

This report presents ten salient insights from climate change research, stemming mainly from literature published in 2021 and 2022. Taken together they reveal the complexities of the interactions between climate change and other risks, such as conflicts, pandemics, food crises and underlying development challenges.

United in Science provides an overview of the most recent science related to climate change, impacts and responses from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and partner organizations.

COVID-19 did not slow the relentless advance of climate change. There is no sign that we are growing back greener, as carbon dioxide emissions are rapidly recovering after a temporary blip due to the economic slowdown and are nowhere close to reduction targets.

This new report from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), prepared by CDP and the UN Global Compact, takes stock of corporate climate ambition in G7 countries, assessing the temperature ratings of the leading equity indexes of these markets. Analysis is based on emissions reduction target data submitted by companies to CDP and the SBTi.

This document is the first of a series of case studies integrating security analysis of instability and conflict involving nuclear-armed states with cutting-edge climate science.

This policy brief summarises the present state of knowledge on transboundary climate risks and discusses the implications for adaptation programming, policy and global governance. When a global food price crisis occurred in 2007-8, many countries experienced severe social and political unrest.
