The Arctic needs to be better protected from a rush for natural resources as melting ice makes mineral and energy exploration easier, the United Nations' Environment Programme (UNEP) said.

The Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries (University of Kerala) and Agency for Development of Aqua Culture, Kerala, have identified the use of small mesh encircling nets as one of the biggest threats to the biodiversity of Vellayani lake, the second largest fresh water body in the State.

A participatory fish census conducted by the institutions has found that many perennial streams, which supplied water to the lake, have dried up. Paddy fields and wetlands have been land filled. The research team also noticed an alarming depletion of frogs in the lake. Pesticide contamination of the lake and shrinking of its area were other major issues affecting the water body’s survival.

PANJIM: Claiming that inclusion of Goa region of Western Ghat in the World Heritage Site of UNESCO will put the place on par with other unique sites across the World, the State Government has given its green signal to the proposal to include State’s 755 sq kms protected area on the heritage list.

The proposal has been forwarded to the Dehradun-based Wildlife Institute of India (WII), which is the nodal agency appointed by Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) to coordinate with UNESCO on the proposal of including the Western Ghats as a natural heritage site.

Environmentalists expressed their deep concern over the proposed amendments to the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance (FFPO) to relax regulations pertaining to the export of water plants and fres

Local bodies are preparing a Greater Hyderabad City biodiversity Index, on the lines of the Singapore biodiversity index, with all details of green cover, flora, fauna and urban ecosystems and their management.

Several agencies like the GHMC, State Biodiversity Board, National Remote Sensing Agency and Osmania University are involved in the preparation of the biodiversity index.

Fisheries expert and marine scientist Sanjeeva Ghosh has demanded core changes to the project report for the proposed seaport at Vizhinjam, warning that the construction activities for the port would impact on the marine ecosystem and the livelihood of the fishing community and pose a serious setback to beach tourism.

Pointing out that the project would lead to significant shoreline changes in the area, Mr. Ghosh, former Additional Director of Fisheries, Kerala, demanded a scientific and technical review of the proposal.

Flow of the river is its master variable which affects many other variables like water quality, sedimentation, biodiversity,
etc. Dams profoundly affect this natural flow. Unfortunately, in India there are very few studies which systematically
analyse impacts of a dam on a river and its biodiversity in the pre and post dam situation. This is especially true for dams
built in 1960s, 70s and 80s. We have limited database and nearly no biodiversity studies of river richness prior to and after

The Red list of threatened species, prepared by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has listed 132 species of plants and animals as Critically Endangered, the most threatened category, from India.

Plants seemed to be the most threatened life form with 60 species being listed as Critically Endangered and 141 as Endangered. The Critically Endangered list included 18 species of amphibians, 14 fishes and 10 mammals.

This new report by Greenpeace warns that depleting fish stocks and historical neglect of marine conservation are causing three major problems for India: massive job losses, damaged ecosystems and a weaker national GDP. It states that 90 per cent of India's fish stocks are at or above maximum sustainable levels of exploitation.

Overfishing and exploitation of marine biodiversity would result in the disappearance of fish species in the next 50 years, warned M.F. Farooqui, Special Secretary, Union Ministry of Environment and Forests, on Tuesday.

Addressing a function organised in connection with the International Day for Biological Diversity, Mr. Farooqui said beyond the exclusive economic zone, everyone seemed to be exploiting the marine biodiversity and nobody was taking responsibility for conservation.
