The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) issued guidelines to achieve 100% utilization of ash with least burden on electricity consumers. These guidelines were a response to recent amendments made in advisories pertaining to ash utilization by Thermal Power Plants (TPPs).

The Uttar Pradesh Cabinet has approved a green hydrogen policy and the establishment of 800 MW thermal power units. This marks a significant step in the state’s commitment to adopting green energy solutions and enhancing its power generation capacity through a combination of renewable and traditional sources.

Affidavit of the Member Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board in compliance of the NGT order October 6, 2023 in the matter of Sachin Tomar Vs State of Uttar Pradesh.

The matter related to disposal of fly ash by industries in Uttar Pradesh.

The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board has imposed environmental compensation of total Rs 978.32 crore against various defaulter units out of which stay order has been obtained against environmental compensation of Rs 99.11 crore by the project proponent from Supreme Court and High Court.

The Central Government is promoting the eco-friendly use of ash, especially in ash-based products manufactured by micro and small enterprises. The government has amended the ash utilization notification, originally issued on December 31, 2021. The present notification was published on January 1, 2024.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ajay Shrivastava Vs State of Haryana dated 18/12/2023.

The original application is registered on the basis of a letter petition raising the issue of disposal of fly ash lying at the site of Aravali Range in violation of Aravali Notification dated May 7, 1992, by MoEF&CC restricting certain activities in specified areas of Aravalli Range, even after closure of power house, Bata Chowk, Faridabad.

Marking the eighth anniversary since the announcement of the first ever emission standards regulating SO2 (sulphur dioxide), NOx (nitrogen oxides), Hg (mercury), and water consumption in coal-based power generation units across India, the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) conducted a comprehensive analysis.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in the matter of Ajay Shrivastava Vs State of Haryana dated 27/09/2023.

The application raised the issue of disposal of fly ash lying at a site in Aravalli even after closure of the power house, Bata Chowk, Faridabad. This is violation of Aravalli Notification, May 7, 1992 by the MoEF&CC restricting certain activities in the specified area of Aravalli Range.

As India switches away from a coal-based to a more sustainable energy use pattern, which pathway will it adopt? What is the nature of challenges that it will face, and who will be affected? Who will gain?

The bidder should have executed contracts on engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) basis for at least one (1) no.

The booklet “Growth of Electricity Sector in India” published annually by Central Electricity Authority provides panoramic view of growth of the Indian Power Sector over the years. The relevant information and statistics have been presented in the forms of graphs, pie-charts, maps and tables.
