The independent report on Tamil Nadu Neyveli boiler blast in compliance with the National Green Tribunal order (in the matter of Original Application No. 108/2020).

Coal based thermal power stations are responsible for one of the largest industrial waste streams in India—coal ash. As fugitive emissions in the dry form and as leakage of ash slurry from ash ponds, coal ash is a major environmental and health concern today. It has been under the regulatory scanner for more than two decades.

Coal-based power is one of the most resource intensive and polluting industries. On 07 December 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change introduced stricter environmental standards for coal-based thermal power plants under the Environment Protection Act, 1986.

Coal-based power is one of the most resourceintensive and polluting industries. On 07 December 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change introduced stricter environmental standards for coal-based thermal power plants under the Environment Protection Act, 1986.

For the first time in four years India’s sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions recorded a significant decline of approximately 6% in 2019 compared to 2018, the steepest dip in four years, reveals an annual analysis from Greenpeace India and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).

Inspection Report of M/s Chandrapura Thermal Power Station (CTPS), Chandrapura, Jharkhand in Original Application 18/2020/EZ/ in the matter of Praveen Kumar Singh Vs Damodar Valley Corporation & Others.

Inspection report of M/s Chandrapura Thermal Power Station (CTPS), Chandrapura, Jharkhand in the matter of Original Application 18/2020/EZ (Praveen Kumar Singh Vs Damodar Valley Corporation & Others). In compliance with the NGT order, a team was constituted to assess the extent of oil leakage and assessment of environmental damage caused by the oil spill.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Satyanarayan Sahni Vs State of Bihar dated 28/09/2020. A report was sought from District Magistrate, Muzaffarpur and Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB) on the allegation of pollution being caused by fly ash dump set up by thermal power plant at village Kanti Nagar, district Muzaffarpur, Bihar causing damage to the public health, animal health and ecology in the area.

Report filed on behalf of Social Action for Forest and Environment (SAFE) Vs Union of India & Others dated 28/09/2020. The report was in response to the report of the Joint Committee May 29, 2020. SAFE had filed an appeal before the NGT against the Environmental Clearance granted by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) on March 30, 2017 for the setting up of a coal fired non-mine mouth, Supercritical Thermal Power Plant (STPP) by THDC Ltd. in Khurja, Uttar Pradesh.

This factsheet offers a status update on the state of compliance with the December 2015 norms, with respect to particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Compliance with water and mercury norms has not been included in this assessment.
