Joint Committee Report (SEIAA Maharashtra, MPC Board, Mumbai) in OA No.33/2020 (WZ) (Mr Tanaji Balasaheb Gambhire V/s Union of India & Ors). l The project developed by JV M/s Bhandari Gelada Associates LLP and M/s Prayeja Developers LLP as M/s Prayeja City - I and Prajeya City-II at village Vadgaon, Sinhgad road, Pune, Maharashtra.
The site was visited on August 20, 2020. Prayeja City I and Prayeja City II are two different projects, the report said. The project proponent (PP) had carried out construction activity for project Prayega City I without taking prior environmental clearance (EC) and had also not obtained consent to establish and consent to operate under Water Act 1974 and Air Act, 1981.
Four bore wells were found on the site out of which two bore wells were used for rainwater harvesting and another two bore wells were used by the residents for non-domestic purpose. No no objection certificate (NOC) from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) was obtained for the extraction of ground water. The PP was not able to show the ground water test report and no dry waste segregation was seen in the premises. The PP had developed the project as per the approvals by Pune Municipal Corporation and had provided required open spaces.