The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) on February 15, 2022 has issued the Draft Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Renewable Energy Certificates for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations, 2022. This shall come into force as stated in the official gazette. The following has been brought into force namely: Eligibility for Issuance of Certificates – 1. Renewable energy generating station, 2. Captive generating station based on renewable energy sources, 3. Distribution licensee, 4. Open access consumer. The Processes - The process involves accreditation and registration for Certificates and (ii) issuance, exchange and redemption of Certificates, as specified in these regulations. Fees and Charges - The Commission may, based on the proposal from the Central Agency, determine the fees and charges payable by the eligible entities for accreditation, registration, issuance of Certificates and other matters connected therewith. [2]
[2] Energy Certificates for Renewable Energy regulations 2022.pdf