Affidavit filed by Arunachal Pradesh in OA 606 of 2018 (Compliance of Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 and other environmental issues).
Environment Management Plans have been notified and uploaded on the website for 25 districts of Arunachal Pradesh. In order to bridge the gap in solid waste management, an action plan was prepared and the same is being implemented .
Most of the census towns in Arunachal Pradesh are of hilly terrain and the local inhabitants follow traditional methods of waste management which includes feeding of vegetable wastes to reared animals or using the biodegradables as manure in fields and gardens. More than half of the solid waste generated is bio degradable and most of it is decomposed through compost pits in one's own backyard and at material recovery facilities having compost plants.
The quantity of legacy waste in the state has been reduced from 89,383 cum to 4,509 cum in the period. The towns of Itanagar and Naharlagun have been made legacy waste free.
The Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) generated has been transported out of the state, for circular economy based utilization in the M/s Dalmia Cement, Shillong.
The Johkasou Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) with a capacity of 200 kiloliters per day (KLD) for rejuvenation of the Yagamso river, Itanagar under the Smart City Mission has been completed. The plant is undergoing trial for plant activation and it is expected to be commissioned soon.