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Heritage Walk On Saturday Followed Metro Route To Bring Alive Sepoy Mutiny, Reports Richi Verma

A recent UNESCO report indicates that India has the largest number of endangered languages in the world. A matter of concern, besides the absolute numbers, is the distribution of these endangered languages across number of speakers. The languages under threat include both scheduled, non-scheduled as well as official languages of some of the states.

Section 377 of the penal code will apply only to child abuse THE Delhi High Court has de-criminalized consensual gay sex between adults. In its order passed on June 2, the court said Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, relating to unnatural offences, would now apply only to cases of child abuse and rape. The court was hearing a 2001 petition filed by the non-profit, Naz Foundation

At a Tehran home, a family and its neighbours shout,

Lonesome Twitter users can now buy followers. Australian social media marketing company uSocial is offering a paid service that finds followers for users of the micro-blogging service. Followers can be got at

The world

A bacterial strain that shaped Bharat Lal Seth

Book>> India

The 1979 Egypt-Israeli peace deal has not done much for cultural relations between the two countries. Only two books in Hebrew have been translated into Arabic in Egypt. There are now plans for Arabic translations of Israeli writing. The decision comes in the wake of recent criticism of Egypt

US lawmakers are debating the extension of copyrights law to include payment to performance artists for music played on AM and FM radio. The law, as it stands today, requires broadcasters to pay songwriters, but not music performers. The Bipartisan Performance Rights Act will, if passed, require AM and FM radio stations to pay a flat rate to both songwriters as well as performance artists,
