Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sonya Ghosh Vs Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Others dated 17/02/2025.

The matter related to conservation and protection of Delhi Ridge which is an extension of Aravali Range extending from Tughlakabad and branching out in Wazirabad in the north and also other parts of Delhi.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Vanashakti & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 11/11/2024. In the application, the validity of CRZ Notification 2019 is under challenge. Applicants have prayed to declare the notification ultra-virus or, alternatively, to declare certain provisions of the notification as arbitrary, illegal, and ultra-vires. In pursuance to the order dated October 16, 2024 passed by two Member Bench of Western Zonal Bench, the present larger Bench has been constituted.

Women, Business and the Law 2024 is the 10th in a series of annual studies measuring the enabling conditions that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Society for Protection of Environment  and Biodiversity (SPENBIO) Vs Union of India dated 02/02/2024.

The Environmental Rule of Law: Tracking Progress and Charting Future Directions report provides a comprehensive assessment of developments since the release of the First Global Report on Environmental Rule of Law in 2019.

Judgment of the Allahabad High Court in the matter of Chhatarpur Crasher Association & Others Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 18/08/2023.

The total number of court cases focused on climate action has more than doubled since 2017 and is growing worldwide, according to this new report by the UNEP. The trend indicates that climate litigation is becoming an integral part of the international push for greater climate action and justice.

Order of the Bombay High Court in the matter of Dr. Harish Shetty vs The State Of Maharashtra & Others dated 10/07/2023.

The matter related to the state of patients who are overstaying in the mental health institutions in some cases for decades.

The Bombay High Court said that the primary focus should be on those patients who have been declared fit by the establishments - government and private and fit to be discharged and still they are confined to be establishments because their family members have not accepted them back at home.

This report reviews key global developments in climate change litigation, with a focus on the period May 2022 to May 2023, drawing primarily on the Climate Change Litigation databases maintained by the Sabin Centre for Climate Change Law. It is the fifth edition of annual report on global trends in climate change litigation.

Taking into consideration a petition filed against illegal axing of trees in Ludhiana, the National Green Tribunal vide order, March 17, 2023 directed the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), Punjab to look into the matter and take remedial action and file an action taken report to the court within two months.

A committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of Chief Conservator of Forest (Plains), Punjab. The committee submitted its report to the NGT, June 1, 2023.
