Yellow rust - a fungal disease- has been spotted on wheat crop in Punjab prompting farm experts to advise farmers to remain vigilant as the current weather conditions are conducive for it to spread

A tiny beetle could wipe out Britain’s ash trees much faster than the established ash dieback disease which is expected to eventually kill millions of the trees, according to the government’s leadi

A tropical storm could have carried the corn disease tar spot into the heart of the U.S. farm belt for the first time, as winds and rain blew in from Latin America, researchers told Reuters.

An invasive pathogen has affected thousands of hectares of olive plantations in Puglia, southern Italy

Coconut is an important oil crop that supports the livelihoods of the majority of coastal people in Tanzania. Despite of the efforts made by the government of Tanzania in coconut sub-sector promotion, little is known about the current production and factors affecting the production. Therefore this study aims to assess the production of coconuts and factors affecting the production of coconut and t