In Zambia, where agriculture accounts for 35% of the country’s GDP, farming is a way of life. One agri-tech company is bringing the future to Zambian farms.

Millions of people in the UK are putting their sight at risk by continuing to smoke, warn specialists.

Genetically modified mosquitoes have been released in Burkina Faso as part of an anti-malaria campaign.

Mosques in the self-declared republic of Somaliland have been urged to turn down, or turn off, their loudspeakers for overnight prayers.

Plastic bags dumped by the roadside blight the landscape in many placesImage caption: Plastic bags dumped by the roadside blight the landscape in many places

The island nation of Madagascar has a dubious accolade: it is the world-leader in deforestation.

New York has declared a public health emergency following a measles outbreak.

The Netherlands has its first resident wolf population in 140 years, according to ecologists.

Two-year-old Thayi loves the aerosol therapy room at Senegal's Albert Royer Children's Hospital, where she gets to fall asleep on her mother's lap, breathing deeply - something that is usually hard

The Kenyan press is reporting "an outcry" over a ban on all plastic bags coming into effect today.
