Latest News from Down To Earth
Bhopals toxic links with Indore
People in Indore and the adjoining Pithampur industrial area in Madhya Pradesh are protesting the incineration of Bhopal’s toxic waste near their homes. The waste disposal facility in Pithampur in Dhar district was completed recently. On March 18, the Madhya Pradesh state pollution control board allowed Ramky Enviro, the private company operating the facility, to start trial runs.
Government Policies and Action Plans
The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
The National Green Tribunal Act 2010 approved by the President of India on June 2, 2010. It provides for establishment of National Green Tribunal- a special fast-track court for speedy disposal of environment-related civil cases.
The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010
Bill to provide for civil liability for nuclear damage, appointment of claims commissioner, establishment of nuclear damage claims commission and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Environmental Impact
Medical Aftermath
Legal Issues
Relief, Rehabilitation & Corporate Liability
Bhopal: The inside story
On the night of December 2, 1984, forty tons of deadly methyl isocyanate leaked out of a Union Carbide pesticide factory in Bhopal, India, killing thousands and injuring many more.
Bhopal: Industrial genocide?
The deaths in Bhopal caused by Union Carbide's noxious fumes should not have happened at all. Equally unnecessary and unwarranted is the continuing suffering of those who managed to survive. Situations that caused a tragedy of such magnitude could and should have been averted.