This report seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond with particular focus on the health sector.

This report summarises health risks associated with pesticide exposure, particularly under conditions of use in the developing world. The information is drawn from over 50 nations and the findings are especially relevant to countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East where pesticide use poses serious health concerns.

The aim of the study is to identify any changes in incidence of schizophrenia in Camberwell, south-east London, between 1965 and 1997.

The detrimental effects of air pollution on health have been recognized for most of the last century. Effective legislation has led to a change in the nature of the air pollutants in outdoor air in developed countries, while combustion of raw fuels in the indoor environment remains a major health hazard in developing countries. The mechanisms of how these pollutants exert their effects are likely to be different, but there is emerging evidence that the toxic effects of new photochemical pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide are likely to be related to infection.