
This study assesses targets for charging infrastructure at the borough level up to 2035, complementing the Delivery Plan created by the Mayor of London’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Taskforce.

Coinciding with the 50th anniversary ofEarth Day, this report investigates the impact COVID-19 lockdowns have had on global particulate pollution levels.As lockdowns were implemented in response to the deadly coronavirus pandemic, the dramatic changes brought about by these restrictions have been described as the ‘largest scale experiment ever’

While local-area greenspace is associated with reduced symptoms of mental distress and greater life satisfaction, most previous research has measured the amount of local-area greenspace within administrative boundaries, and found mixed results for associations between greenspace and multidimensional mental wellbeing. Th

The case for: ‘Children’s lungs can’t wait’

This paper looks at the impact of sea level rise on eight cities worldwide, exploring some of the underlying reasons for vulnerability, and then the additional impact that climate change will have on their people. These cities include some of those most vulnerable to climate change.

Urban public space is extraordinarily adaptable under a pattern of relatively stable changes. However, when facing unprecedented and potentially extreme climatic changes, public spaces may not have the same adaptation capacity. In this context, planned adaptation gains strength against “business as usual”. While public spaces are among the most vulnerable areas to climatic hazards, they entail relevant characteristics for adaptation efforts. As such, public space design can lead to effective adaptation undertakings, explicitly influencing urban design practices as we know them.

London and Bengaluru will jointly lead a global partnership of 20 other cities from across the globe on tackling air pollution in urban centres.

The most polluted schools in London are to be audited as part of the mayor’s drive to clean up toxic air across the capital.

In 1868 the world’s first traffic light was installed outside the Houses of Parliament. The gaslit signal controlled the flow of London carriages—at least for a few weeks.

Heat trapped by dark-coloured roads and buildings will more than double cities' costs for tackling global warming this century by driving up energy demand to keep citizens cool and by aggravating p
