This report is a continuation of ‘Tracing the Hazy Air: Progress Report on National Clean Air Programme’ released by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air in January 2022.
This study assesses Delhi’s air pollution scenario in the winter of 2021 and the actions to tackle it. Winter 2021 was unlike previous winters as the control measures mandated by the Commission of Air Quality Management (CAQM) in Delhi National Capital Region and adjoining areas were rolled out.
Transboundary pollution in the surrounding provinces of Banten and West Java are major contributors to air pollution in Jakarta City. Air pollutant emissions both in Jakarta and in surrounding provinces have been increasing, worsening Jakarta’s air quality. Even with COVID-19, air quality in the capital city did not significantly improve.
According to the latest study released by CREA on behalf of the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GHCA), the air pollution in Bengaluru has dropped by 28% during the Indian megacity’s coronavirus lockdown.
This report evaluates the 102 city-specific clean air plans in India approved under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). Based on an extensive review of global literature on clean air planning, this report identifies key components of a clean air plan.
On March 16, 2020, transportation and industries ground to a near halt in Metro Manila as the government enforced an “enhanced community quarantine” (ECQ) in the country’s busiest metropolis. The lockdown was only one of the many across the globe that was implemented in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19.
Levels of health-harming air pollutants in China have exceeded concentrations at the same time last year in the past 30 days, for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 crisis. This includes PM2.5, NO2, SO2 and ozone.
It is evident that as compared to lockdown period, air quality in terms of Air Quality Index has remained ‘Satisfactory’ during modified lockdown period at all the towns except at Jodhpur where it has worsened to ‘Moderate’ Category.
Coinciding with the 50th anniversary ofEarth Day, this report investigates the impact COVID-19 lockdowns have had on global particulate pollution levels.As lockdowns were implemented in response to the deadly coronavirus pandemic, the dramatic changes brought about by these restrictions have been described as the ‘largest scale experiment ever’