As climate impacts intensify across the globe, nations must dramatically increase funding and implementation of actions designed to help vulnerable nations and communities adapt to the climate storm, according to this new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

South Africa's ambition is to build a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable economy. This ambition depends on the extent to which the country is able to shift from its heavy dependence on coal to low-carbon activities and to address the growing risks presented by climate change.

Ghana has achieved major development gains over the past three decades, but progress has slowed and there are causes for concern going forward. Ghana sought to fuel its development by leveraging markets, but debt sustainability is a concern, compounded by crises.

Reflecting on the past ten years of tracking global climate finance flows, this report presents seven key observations on climate finance in 2011 – 2020 and concludes with key actions to rapidly scale climate finance to the trillions.

This synthesis report on long-term low-emission development strategies synthesizes information from the 53 latest available long-term low-emission development strategies, representing 62 Parties to the Paris Agreement, submitted to the secretariat as at 23 September 2022.
