The China Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) provides analysis and recommendations on integrating the country’s efforts to achieve high-quality development with the pursuit of emission reduction and climate resilience.

People in Burigoalini and Gabura Unions frequently face climate-related hazards. Adequate adaptation measures to these hazards are often missing, causing losses and damages. This paper focuses on non-economic losses and damages: items that are not commonly traded in markets (such as the loss of biodiversity or cultural heritage).

The supply of electricity from clean energy sources must double within the next eight years to limit global temperature increase.

This paper supports countries in understanding the potential impact of climate-related natural hazards by assessing the exposure of people and assets to these hazards.

This paper summarizes the findings of the Working Group II contributions to the International Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report which runs into over 3 000 pages, focusing on the assessment’s conclusions and their effect on agrifood systems.
