This learning story forms part of the CDKN Knowledge for Change series, which reflects on the common challenges, lessons and successes CDKN and its partners have encountered in facilitating evidence-based decision-making to accelerate climate action.

As developing countries increasingly transition from planning to implementation of their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes and nationally determined contributions (NDCs), a growing number have prepared or plan to prepare financing strategies for adaptation.

46 out of the 47 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) submitted a first nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as of 31 December 2020; South Sudan submitted an intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) back in 2015 but has yet to ratify the Paris Agreement.

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) has the potential to significantly enhance the resilience of society to climate change and could be a key part of national and global adaptation efforts.

Extreme weather and climate change impacts including mega-drought, extreme rainfall, land and marine heatwaves and glacier melt are affecting the Latin America and the Caribbean region, from the Amazon to the Andes and from Pacific and Atlantic Ocean waters to the snowy depths of Patagonia.
