Achieving climate-resilient economies and societies will not only require increasing the billions of financial flows for adaptation, but also shifting broader -- public and private -- financial flows and investment away from potentially mal-adapted activities towards those that contribute to climate-resilient economies and societies.

'Everyday Stories of Climate Change', is a comic that threads together qualitative research about low-income families' experiences and adaptation to climate change across five countries. Readers will start in Australia and then head to Bangladesh where sea-level rise impacts women’s domestic duties.

In 2012, the Government of Tanzania secured funding from the Adaptation Fund and the Global Environment Facility’s Least Developed Country Fund to reduce the negative impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities in coastal areas.

At the nexus of sustainable development, human rights, climate action, and nature conservation, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) recognises the symbiotic connections between people and ecosystems.

Rapid climate change is causing weather extremes in every region of the world. The global water cycle is now experiencing a structural change not seen since the last Ice Age, leaving human systems struggling to adapt and respond.
