The world is getting warmer and natural hazards are becoming more intense, likely bringing higher economic losses in the future. Today, four major weather perils result in expected economic losses of USD 200 billion annually. With more severe weather coming, economic losses are set to rise.

The need to adapt to climate change is undisputed, as evidenced by the increasing commitments being made to adaptation. Despite the recognized need, there are significant challenges that make it very difficult to track, monitor, and evaluate adaptation.

This brief examines solutions on the Adaptation at Altitude Solutions Portal that have been implemented either across borders or in multiple countries with shared borders. These transboundary solutions were then categorised according to the type of risk that they primarily address: hazards, risks to shared resources, ecosystem risks.

Climate change impacts globally have increased the urgency for ambitious action on adaptation. This is especially the case in the world’s most vulnerable regions, including Africa.

Over the past two decades, Resilience has served as a unifying theme for the APAN Forums. The past years have seen significant efforts towards generating knowledge and information on climate change adaptation at the global and regional levels.
