There are multiple interdependent approaches to climate adaptation, including economic incentives, policy and regulation, locally-led intervention, and nature-based approaches.
This study investigates the major climate-related risks for households in the EU by quantifying the relationship between a set of selected climate-hazards metrics, households’ income by source, and sector-specific expenditures, capturing both the climate induced cost of impacts and adaptation measures.
India’s Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was submitted on December 9, 2023. The report contains information on India’s greenhouse gas emissions, its vulnerability to climate change, and the measures it is taking to mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
This report was written to catalyse change across the climate adaptation, disaster risk management, and humanitarian sectors to focus on the most vulnerable and excluded, who are least responsible, but most affected by the climate crisis.
Farming is an important livelihood and significant contributor to employment and food security in rural parts of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region. But climate change is increasingly shaping the viability of rural livelihoods in NENA countries.
The first week of the climate talks (COP 19) at Warsaw saw developed and developing countries oppose each other on several matters including climate finance.
Sustainable Development
Kolkata among world's most flood-prone coastal cities: study
It is universally acknowledged that at climate conferences, politics or diplomacy based primarily on considerations of power and on practical and material factors overrides explicit ideological notions or moral or ethical premises.
With relations between countries now being shaped by geo-economics rather than geo-politics, an emerging issue is to what extent the United States, China and India, all populous countries and top tier economies, see their national interest in giving a new meaning to words like “responsibility”, “development” and “growth”...
Climate for Kids
Without sharing information on climate change in South Asia nothing can be achieved. We share the same resources and face the same problems. This book narrows our focus to take a closer look.
Over the past few days, we have been giving you all the gyaan you needed on the UN Climate Change conference held in Doha. But just in case you missed out, here is a comprehensive assessment of CoP 18 by Sunita Narain, Director General, CSE.