This report for the Gender Equality in a Low-Carbon World (GLOW) programme reviews the evidence on women's economic empowerment in low-carbon transitions. It identifies the gaps in the evidence base; and recommends how GLOW and other research initiatives and funders may further enrich the evidence, and inform policy and practice.

This compendium provides concrete examples of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) implemented in urban areas in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. 15 detailed case studies have been documented to assist governments at all levels as well as practitioners, NGOs, civil society and academics to plan, implement, replicate and scale NbS.

The role of climate finance mobilisation at all governance levels; international, multilateral, national, subnational, and local, is crucial. Additionally, there is a critical need to enhance the capacity of developing countries to access, allocate and spend climate finance effectively.

This working paper discusses the role of financial sector policy in relation to addressing gaps in climate risk information in the private finance sector, with a specific focus on Africa.

This learning story forms part of the CDKN Knowledge for Change series, which reflects on the common challenges, lessons and successes CDKN and its partners have encountered in facilitating evidence-based decision-making to accelerate climate action.

Nepal is a nascent, fast-evolving democracy and yet many towns still have a distinctly rural character with an agro-based economy. The country is dealing with a rapidly increasing urban population in search of better socio-economic opportunities.

This inside story forms part of the CDKN Knowledge for Change series, which reflects on the common challenges, lessons and successes CDKN and its partners have encountered in facilitating evidence-based decision-making to accelerate climate action.

Bangladesh is often referred to as the “ground zero for climate change”. The topography and location of the country make it highly prone to extreme weather events, including cyclones, floods, salinity intrusion and storm surges.

This brief examines the importance of peri-urban ecosystems and outlines possible policy responses in India to preserve and manage these areas to contribute to sustainable and climate-resilient development.

Africa’s climate is already changing: average land temperatures have increased by more than 1°C since pre-industrial times, sea levels are rising and extreme weather events, such as storms and droughts, are more frequent. Further climate change is inevitable. Adapting to its impacts is essential for African societies to develop sustainably.
