Krushak Bharti Cooperative Ltd (Kribhco) is exploring the possibility of setting up an electricity generation plant in Rajasthan in the near future. This would makr the cooperative's entry in the

Experts in the environemtnal laws have told the governemnt that it has all the powers conceivable to control pollution and improve the environemnt and there is no need for it to acquire more powers

The Government has finalised the draft notification setting out the norms for recycling of the domestic waste and used oil for re-use and sale in the market. The draft is in the final stage of

The Government is working on a pilot project to use satellite-based global positioning sustem (GPS) for tracking large wild animals in the protected areas to minimise chances of their entry into

India has identified vast reservoirs of gas hydrates - crystalline compounds comprising methane gas trapped in water - along its coast and near Andaman islands, which can meet the country's energy

South Asia's role as a major prducer, consumer and exporter of rice will be reviewed by top rice experts of this region at an international meet to be held here on March 16 and 17. Called South Asia

A non-governmental organisation(NGO), Toxics Link, has demanded relocation of hazardous industries in Delhi in a phased manner or their outright closure, unless they adopt clean production processes.

The Enron promoted dabhol Power Company and the agitators, opposing the power project, coming up near Dabhol in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra, have reached an understanding which commits both

The 11 th version of the Human Development Report(HDR), for the year 2000, has just been released by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). In recent years, HDRs have had a thematic focus and

New steel minister Brij Kishore Tripathi is exploring the possibility of setting up shipbreaking units in Orissa and
