Many districts of the Madhya Pradesh are lagging behind in the target of installation for bio-gas plants. Out of the target of installing 13,500 bio gas plants only 735 have been installed till now.
The Naval Hydrography Department under the chief hydrographer to the Government of India has been awarded the first laureate prize for protection of marine environment for the year
The study team of the central government admitted that the drought situation in the Madhya Pradesh state had assumed menacing proportions due to inadequate
Over 70000 children of some district are suffering from malnutrition even as the Madhya Pradesh government makes tall claims of protecting interest of the rural populace.
No village in Madhya Pradesh affected by construction of Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat is likely to have flash floods, claimed Narmada Valley Development Authority, Member JP
The power supply system in the Bhopal would now be divided into four parts for which a new division has been formed. Divisional Engineer of this new division was appointed. The process of formation
The Madhya Pradesh government is all set to launch community health insurance scheme for the people living below poverty line. As per this scheme, the poor people will get financial assistance for
The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to divide forests of the state into three categories and to set-up local committees for their protection.The committees have been given right to collect
Quantity of damaging chemicals like chloride, phosphate and nitrate is continuously increasing in the Upper Lake which is quenching the thirst of 40 per cent of Bhopal city's population.