BJP corporators group in the BMC has decided to move court against supply of polluted water in Bhopal. A public interest litigation would be filed in the Madhya Pradesh High Court against mayor, BMC

The Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) of India has approved the project intensive electrification scheme of Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (UHBVN) to release 60,050 domestic and non-domestic

River Palaar that once nursed the fertile farmlands of Vellore district in Tamil Nadu, has now turned into a river of poison due to discharge of untreated effluents by numerous leather tanneries in

A climate change in Orissa following last year's supercyclone has caused the state's mango trees and mahua trees to flower unusually

The death of three pregnant women and two new born babies in the premier SCB Medical College and Hospital in Cuttack has taken a new turn with the detection of toxic substances in the transfusion

A writ petition has been filed in the Supreme Court alleging large scale illegal quarrying and mining in reserve forests and revenue land in Madhya Pradesh, particularly in the Shivpuri

The Central Government has directed the Madhya Pradesh Government to complete its marking of forest areas within five years as Chhattisgarh has agreed to do. This will help in solving the long

The ruling Marxists in West Bengal have apparently given up their attempts to set up a nuclear power plant in view of the unresolved controversy within the party of the issue and lack of proper

A detailed "enforcement guide" on wildlife crime brought out recently in the Doon Valley is proving a useful document for educating honorary wildlife wardens, other enforcement officials as well as

According to UNAIDS, some 3.1 lakh Indians died of AIDS last year within out country. But New Delhi's front organisation, the NACO (National AIDS Control organisation) has refuted this figure. It
