The Heart Care Foundation of India has issued a press release on guidelines for exercise. The foundation says that weight lifting, golf and baseball are anaerobic exercises. These are fun but do not

Bollywood star Salman Khan's much-publicised arrest for hunting down a pair of blackbucks in Rajasthan recently, while creating awareness about the wildlife laws, has brought into sharp focus the

India has taken a lead in production of international-grade mint oil, thanks to the superior high-yielding varieties and crop technologies developed by scientists in Lucknow.The Central Institute of

The meeting of the Environment Ministers of the South Asian Association for regional Cooperation (SAARC), which concluded in Colombo today, adopted a common position on climate change, especially in

A worldwide "roll back malaria" campaign to reduce substantially the human death toll and economic losses to poor countries was launched in the United Nations on Friday by the World Health

The National Polio Plus Committee of the Rotary International has brought out a booklet Crusade against Polio, which aims at guiding teachers and students to mobilise people to get their children

The British producers of a filmed adaptation of the best-selling novel The Beach have enraged environmentalists in Thailand with their plans to dig up a national park beach and plant 100 coconut

With the launch of GLOBE-South Asia by the Member of the European Parliament, Ms. Anita Pollack, here today, Parliamentarians in the country can now at the push of a button not only have acess to

The Forensic Science Laboratory has confirmed killing of black bucks and chinkaras by blood spots and hair found on a Gypsy allegedly used by Bollywood film stars charged with poaching of endangered

As Mr. John Glenn, the 77-year-old Senator, spent his first fullday in space in the shuttle Discovery on Friday, attention shifted to how the cover that fell of during the launch may affect his
