Moscow will help Delhi with three major municipal projects, involving the construction of the metro, water management on the Yamuna river and development of electric trolley-bus transport in the

Women and men react differently to hazards at workplaces and have different risk factors. This was the thrust of a workshop on Occupational Health Hazards of Women Workers held in New Delhi organised

Duggal : The Muncipal Commissioner Mr. V. K. Duggal, said that cholera was endemic to Delhi and could not be eradicated totally. Making a statement before the Standing Committee of the Muncipal

A health and social sector NGO in Rajasthan has alleged a pronounced bias against rural areas in the budgetary allocations in medical and public health in the State. The NGO, Bal Rashsmi Society,

The national TB control programme is faced with a serious problem with the Health Ministry dragging its feet on the issue of entrusting the task of procurement of drugs and other supplies for the

The Cabinet formed a sub-committee to study the losses on account of sea erosion in Kerala and recommend relief measures. The Ministers for Finance, Revenue and Irrigation and Labour will be members

consumers find upgrade path bumpy : For some computer users, the reality of Windows 98 is turning out to be far less than the promise. Microsoft's latest operating system just recently hit store

The performance of the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) and Pollution Control Committees of Union Territories will come under the scrutiny of the Ministry of Environment and Forests when the

A large number of villagers, mainly tribals, in the Shahpur area of Betul district in Madhya Pradesh, are at present involved in a direct conforntation with the forest depratment authorities and have

Over 12,000 gastroenteritis cases, including over 6,000 among children, were reported in various hospitals of Delhi this year, but the Health Ministry informed Rajya Sabha that no significant
