With the sudden rise in temperature and humidity, the Chandigarh city has witnessed a spurt in cases of viral diarrhoea. And its most vulnerable targets are children in the age group of 2 to 6 years.

"Hunger is by no means related to shortage of foodgrain. It is related to shortage of rights." With this being a recurrent theme in all her discourses, noted eco-feminist Dr Vandana Shiva feels "a

Public health department is supplying untreated drinking water to the residents of this holy city for the last two-three years. According to sources, the water works in Muktsar have a capacity of 1.5

The auction of sand mines in 186 villages of Ludhiana district, Punjab which was held by the Industries Department, has raised a stink in the state circles with allegations of foul play dominating

In the harsh climatic conditions of tribal areas in Himachal Pradesh, renewable energy sources were required to be developed with a concentrated approach. These need to be made available to the

Following measures taken by the Haryana State Pollution Control Board, the number of pollution control devices installed by industrial units in the state has gone up from 1780 to 4670 over the last

Various species of birds enjoying a protected status under the Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 are being openly sold in various chicken shops and by vendors in gross violation of norms in Amritsar,

This small hill state better known to be the refuge of the snow leopard and the Monal, has over the past couple of years become a home of tiger also, much to the delight of animal lovers and the

Things seem to be going from bad to worse for the much hyped Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy Project on the Jalandhar-Kapurthala road, that should have been ready by April

The historic Kali Bein may now get rid off the dirty water draining into it from the villages situated along its banks as the sewer drains of about 20 villages between Sultanpur Lodhi and Kapurthala
