HC : The Bombay High court has held that the helipad constructed by the Tata electric companies (TEC) at Cuffe Parade does contravene the CRZ notifications as also the provisions of the Air Craft
At a time when agriculture in the state is passing though a crisis, government neglect and shortage of funds are threatening to make Punjab Agriculture University irrelevant.
Alarmed by its discovery of largescale sale of "killer" synthetic milk in Gwalior, Bhind and Morena districts adjoining Uttar Pradesh, the Madhya pradesh government has asked the Centre to bring milk
Pounding rains that have hammered Central America for three weeks continued as the toll rose to 58 and health authorities warned that flood conditions had caused outbreaks of everything from
The Ministry of Environment and Forests in coordination with the Maharashtra government has evolved a specific time-bound action plan to check environmental pollution in the metropolis. The action
A new tourism policy, with stress on eco-frinedly measures to protect the state's environment, is on the anvil. The new eco-tourism policy will discourage rampant and unplanned construction of
Power secretary V K Pandit today said that the power sector in India will achieve Y2K compliance by October -end. He allayed fears of wide spread power failure arising out of the Y2K problem saying
A huge chunk of the world's 45 million blind live in India, with World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates putting the figure at 6,72 million. And though 80 per cent of blindness is preventable and
A study conducted by an NGO which anticipates an AIDS epidemic in Wazirpur Industrial Area has been trashed by the people there. With one case of AIDS reported from an STD clinic in the area, the
The rich Doab area (called Dhab locally) which their ancestors have made home for the last 100 years, is a weired geographical configuration. The 14-kilometre long and two-kilometre broad landmass