The massive oil spill that struck southern Brittany's shores in December did more than soil the beaches and the wild, rock-lined coast, slashing the summer tourist trade by a third. For one of the

At least 50,000 people are homeless after a tidal surge flooded Bangladesh's Sandwip Island last

A typhoon has killed 47 people and caused at least $175 million in damage in two southern Chinese provinces, state media

For a decade, the world knew the dimensions of the coming catastrophe. Estimates ranged widely, but the World Health Organisation in 1990 and 1991 projected a caseload, and eventual death toll by

From poisoned rivers to choking cities, China bleakly assessed its environment but promised more would be done to reverse severe degradation. The State Environmental Protection Agency cited

Grain and grape growers across Australia are counting crop losses from one of the worst locust plagues in 50 years. Swarms of Australian plague locusts have eaten crops and pastures across the

Nike Inc., and its prominent chairman Phil Knight, have withdrawn millions of dollars in financial support from three universities in the past three weeks. The three universities have recently joined

Doctors are failing to properly treat millions of patients who have dangerously high blood pressure because they are focussing on the wrong measurement, according to US health officials. Physicians

The U.S. Park Service, in a reversal of nine decades of policy, is moving to limit the impact of noisy, polluting machines in its parks.The agency has an ambitious goal: to protect or restore a lost

The US House of Representatives voted to overturn new federal rules aimed at making sure that the sickest patients get the first chance to use donated organs, as lawmakers debated how best to share
