America's coastal disasters along the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico are like uninvited and terrifying house guests. Hazel in 1954. Camille in 1969. Hugo in 1989. Andrew in 1992. Fran and Bertha in

Opponents of abortion rights in America have come up with yet another scheme to advance their agenda. Called the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act," the measure aims to chip away at women's

In what promises to be the best road map yet for identifying global problems caused by the Year 2000 technology glitch, the State Department is readying country-by-country warnings on 194 nations.

The demographic and political reality that increasingly colors the debate over restructuring Medicare and Social Security in U.S. is that old age is a space largely inhabited by women. Women not only

An Internet start-up company was set to introduce a World Wide Web site that is designed to bridge the competing worlds of on-line digital music and the traditional recording industry. The site,

Health officials in New York City have escalated their war against the mosquitoes that carry the encephalitis virus, using helicopters and trucks to spray an insecticide to kill the

About 60,000 residents have been left homeless from Tuesday's earthquake in Athens while the death toll has risen to 117, a government official said

As long as the leaves come from the plant Camellia sinensis, tea will contain potent antioxidant chemcials that have been linked to protection against major diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Airports are taking the "green" challenge seriously, particularly when the local authorities which grant permission to expand insist on a strong environmental commitment.Most major airports operate

Half of all newborn babies in Africa carry the HIV virus, the top United Nations campaigner againt AIDS said as an international conference on AIDS in Africa opened here.Dr. Peter Piot, executive
