Africa's escape route from extreme poverty has now been charted. Several recent studies, including those by The New Partnership for Africa's Development, the United Nations Millennium Report and

President George W. Bush has been running from the issue of global warming for four years, but the walls are closing in. Scientists throughout the world are telling him that the rise in atmospheric

For decades, this village, just like the other farming communities in the northern Philippine province of Nueva Ecija, has relied on the onion for survival. In a good year, villagers say, Malasin's

The U.S. Supreme Court has given pharmaceutical companies broad latitude to study and experiment with drugs covered by other companies' patents, a decision that may help speed the development of

Negotiations aimed at producing a new global trade pact are moving very slowly on commerce in services, but a comprehensive deal remains possible next year, the director general of the World Trade

On a recent visit to North Korea, I was welcomed into a modest apartment by a family in Huichon city, Chagang Province. Its four members lived on a diet of government-supplied corn and acorns foraged

Just about the worst thing that can happen to a teenage girl in this world is to develop an obstetric fistula that leaves her trickling bodily wastes, stinking and shunned by everyone around her.

Genetically altered rice, which has not been approved for human consumption anywhere in the world, has been found in the food supply in one of China's biggest cities, Greenpeace charged. Researchers

Though its budget for fighting malaria has risen more than sixfold since 1998 to $90 million from $14 million, the United States' foreign aid agency is spending 95 percent of the money on consultants

The U.S. Agriculture Department has said that it would conduct more tests on an animal suspected of having mad cow disease before confirming the results. The tests, if positive, would indicate the
