Over 50 per cent of the petrol pumps in the Capital sell adulterated fuel and short-change motorists, a recently-formed organisation of former and serving petrol pump employees alleged. Being in the
The government is initiating a series of steps on the basis of the recommendations of a study group constituted by it, to ensure that things do not come to such a pass in the future again to force
The Labour minister, Dr Satyanarayan Jatiya, has directed the Director General of Mines Safety to launch a special drive for thorough inspection of all the mines in the country on a time-bound basis.
Delhi scientists have developed a carbon-based, light weight sustitute for Illizarov fixator-a device used to correct limb deformity. An assembly of heavy cage-like device called fixator is put
About 700 cancer experts including 30 from abroad will attend the three-day national conference of the Indian Society of Oncology which begins in New Delhi on 12 March. The subjects to be discussed
A workshop on "Energy options for rural communities " being organised by he Maulana Azad College of Technology, Bhopal, in collaboration with Britain's Department for International Development today
The Supreme court today issued notice to the chief secretary of Andhra pradesh on a public interest litigation seeking CBI probe into alleged serving of meat of wild animals at a dinner which was
The Chinese Prime Minister, Mr Zhu Rongji, began a visit to the USA, by today agreeing to lift a ban on citrus fruits from four US states and wheat from seven states. This agricultural agreement
When television screens around the world flashed the successful a hand transplant this January, it captured a frame of a pioneering moment in the field of reconstructive surgery. To add to it, it