With quite a few number of case so jaundice reported in the Capital already, the government has decided to step in now.The Chief Minister, Mrs Shiela Dixit, has asked the Delhi Health Minister, DR A

Orissa's forest cover has shrunk by 1420 sq km in the last nine years brining down the total forest area from 59,555 sq km in 1990 to 58,135 sq km in 1999, according to official sources. Of the

The ancient system of Siddha is proving to be successful in treating AIDS patients. A team of doctors from Chennai claim that so far 70 patients have been treated using siddha and have shown

The flood toll in Bihar rose to 246 with all major rivers flowing far above their danger marks in several areas of the state. Two deaths each were reported from Darbhanga and Bhagalpur districts in

In what is seen as a significant judgement by environmentalists against illegal grants and rampant encroachers in Himachal Pradesh, the Chief Justice, Mr Justice Doraiswamy Raju, suggested initiation

The USA has promised to end within 15 months any discrimination meted out to shrimp exporters from India and three other countries. The Deputy US trade representative Ms Rita Hayes, said the Clinton

The success of the Essential Drugs programme, implemented in government hospitals in the Capital, has prompted some of the neighbouring countries to adopt the similar models. The programme has

A firm called M/S Krishna Oil and Caton Company based in the Modasa district of Gujarat has been named by the Central Bureau of Investigation as the main culprit in the recent dropsy epidemic.

Pakistan today agreed to sell about 2,000 MW of power to India as experts from both countries discussed technical details including setting up of proper infrastructure for transferring power. A

The "Terminator" seed controversy has reached the boiling point with the Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha--the staunch anit-MNC ryots--outfit-- demanding withdrawal of the Monsanto developed seed within
