
The Kawai fish carrying heavy metals like lead and cadmium are entering the Chambal River from the polluted areas of the Yamuna River and are posing threat to the gharials of National Chambal Sanctuary areas falling in Madhya Pradesh.

Locals say that the gharials who eat Kawai fish suffer from liver cirrhosis.

On the one hand it was a major shot in the arm for the Kamala Nehru Zoo in Madhya Pradesh, with the hatching of 16 baby crocodiles of the endangered reptile species; on the other hand there were reports of


Worried over the diminishing number of amphibians in the Chambal River due to pollution, the forest department is going to measure and enumerate the amphibians. In this regard, a survey would be conducted from February 4-17, enumerating ghariyals, crocodiles, dolphins, and tortoise.

Wildlife experts have spotted a small 'gharial' population in a new natural habitat in eastern Uttar Pradesh giving a ray of hope to the conservation efforts of the critically endangered species in the country

Giving in to reservations voiced by conservationists over the Rajasthan Government

Natural breeding of gharyals in the Chambal river has come as a ray of hope after the existence of the species was endangered with more than 100 of them dying due to a toxic chemical from end of 2007 to early 2008. The actual number of ghariyals is still unclear as the census would be carried out in February.

LUCKNOW: The ghariyal and 35% of India's turtle species are considered by the IUCN to be endangered or critically endangered and under threat of extinction unless prompt and decisive conservation action is taken.

LUCKNOW: Ghariyals might be in for a new-age monitoring in the state through a technique called biologging. In fact, it would entirely be a new experience for the artificially reared reptilian breed. The state forest department is planning to release ghariyals implanted with a camera and sensory devices in the wild.
